Monday, September 27, 2010

Someone At My Door

Edgar Allan Poe is one of my favorite poets. I was reading his work, and it inspired me to write this poem, which was a challenge for me because it involves rhyming and form which I normally don't stick with unless it is something I create and makes sense to me haha. I had fun with this poem and am proud with myself for making something like this.

There came a tap tap tapping at my door.
Fear shaking me to my core.
I gave a cautious quick glance,
But didn't want to take the chance,
Seeing who or what was behind my door.

Another rap rap rapping came at my door.
Fear paralyzed me once more.
Who was there, at this late 'our?
Surely it'd make me cower,
For I did not want to open my door.

Then came a scratch scratch scratching at my door.
The sound I could not ignore.
What does it want from me?
I just want to be left be.
Yet maybe if I just opened that door...

A knock knock knocking echoed from my door.
I wanted to scream, "No more!"
Slowly I crept toward the sound,
My thoughts starting to come 'round,
My hand reaching for that foreboding door.

A pound pound pounding shook my door.
Much louder it was than before.
I clenched my fist as I let out a small sob,
Closed my eyes, and turned the knob,
Finally opening that wretched door.

The sounds had stopped at my opened door.
Causing me to explore,
Because the strange sight I saw,
Had left me in awe,
For there was nothing behind my door.

What was that rap rap tapping at my door,
If nothing remained here anymore?
Surely this fearful sensation,
Was not of my own creation?
It could not be I, standing at my door.

It 'twas fear and nothing more.
'Twas fear and nothing more, tap tap tapping at my door.

copyright Christine Locke

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