Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Watching Disney Movies

I wrote this today in class, in about 7 minutes which is the time we were given. First we took a notecard, wrote an activity we like to do on it, put it on the ground, then someone else took it and put a form on poetry on the back. Then we put them all in a bag, shook it up, and drew one to write our poem about. The one I got was to write about "watching Disney movies" in "free verse" so here it is.

I'll make a man out of you
says the Asian man in charge
but I don't want to be made
a man
says I to the Asian man in charge
back on the screen
as I watch
running through the mountains
the wind blowing
leaves through her dark hair
as I sing along
Just around the river bend
but what is around
the river bend
certainly not the seagull
blabbering to the strange
lady fish and fish
as they go back
under the sea
darling it's better
down where it's wetter
take it from me
no I'd rather not
thank you very much
but I will take the hand
of that very handsome man
I danced with
once upon a dream
dance with me
as the owl toots
and hoots a beat
as we ride off
into the distance.

Copyright Christine Locke

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